Logging camp cars
- manufactured in Korea by .... and imported by NWSL - Northwest Short Line
- offered by Northwest Short Line under the label : "Connoisseur Line" and under the motto : "models in wood, built up, strictly railroad logging, for the serious modeler"
Logging camp cars model list :
- CLcc1 Rayonier Inc (ex Polson Logging Co.) : 40' 3-window, end window, vertical siding
- CLcc2 Rayonier Inc (ex Polson Logging Co.) : 40' 2-window, end window, vertical siding
- CLcc3 Rayonier Inc (ex Polson Logging Co.) : 40' 2-window, no end window, vertical siding
- CLcc4 Rayonier Inc (ex Polson Logging Co.) : 31' no clerestory, vertical siding
- CLcc5 Rayonier Inc (ex Polson Logging Co.) : 31' no clerestory, horizontal siding
- CLcc6 Rayonier Inc (ex Polson Logging Co.) : 31' with clerestory, horizontal siding soon
- CLcc7 Cascade Lumber : 40' 4 window, end door, with clerestory, horizontal siding soon
- CLcc8 Cascade Lumber : 40' 4 window, side door, horizontal siding
- CLcc9 Goodyear Lumber : 40' with clerestory, horizontal siding, SC&F arch bar trucks soon
- CLcc10 Goodyear Lumber : 60' horizontal siding
- CLcc11 Baker White Pine